Executive 2024 Sailing Season

Member of the Coop since 2014. Learned to sail as a teenager during summers on Lake Winnipeg on a 14ft Sunfish, which was a lot of fun to dump, but a bit more of challenge to right the boat by standing on the daggerboard. Started sailing on keel boats while living in Montreal in the 1980s, crewing on a 26’ racing boat, flying the spinnaker and being “rail-meat”.

Performed many jobs within the Coop including most recently asst boat captain and boat captain.

Steve Cook


Steve has been a member since 2012 and you can find him on most club cruises during the season.

Juliana Velez


Geoff Meggs

DirectoR aT large

Evan Gatehouse

Fleet Captain

Been sailing for 42 years. Owned 3 sailboats 24-40′. Lived aboard for 16 years with my wife. Sailed around the world 2009-2017. I’m a naval architect/mechanical engineer, CYA Cruising Instructor. Friendly too.

Sue Chapman

EdUCATION & social

Sue joined the coop in 2003 as a non-sailor. She held a variety of executive positions from 2004-14, then 2020-23. She has been a member of Blue Water Sailing Ass’n since 2006 and has now crewed in the BVI’s, Croatia, down the Baja in Mexico to Cabo, around Vancouver Island and New Zealand. She enjoys mentoring new sailors.

Ian Crook

Membership Director

If you want to learn more about the Co-op, Ian is your guy! Ian and his wife Tracey have been members since 2013. After running the boat show for the co-op for a number of years as well as being the keel bolt team lead, Ian is in his second year of being the membership coordinator.

Brenda Beck



Shawna Little


Shawna lives in Vancouver with her husband & two step daughters. A member since 2017, she enjoys sailing Howe Sound, Southern Gulf Islands, San Juan Islands and Desolation Sound. 

Adrian Birsan

Adrian Birsan

Web Director

Adrian has been a member of BSG since 2013. He enjoys sailing, scuba diving, hiking and generally being outdoors in BC, elsewhere in Canada and around the world with his family and friends. Now that he is retired, he plans to do more of the above, at least for a while, including downhill skiing (as per another retirees’ comment – it’s all downhill from here anyway).

Andrea Lemire

Andrea Lemire

CRuise Director


DIRECTOR at large