Catalina 27' and 30' Sailboats
Our current fleet consists of four 27′ and two 30′ Catalina sailboats.
Each of have been completely refitted with new wiring, cabinets and plumbing. The addition of holding tanks have made our boats “environmentally friendly”, which allows us access to U.S. waters including the San Juan Islands of Washington State. This addition meets the new Canadian regulations. Every boat is hauled out each winter, inspected, bottom refinished and hulls polished.
Rigging is constantly being upgraded. All 4 of our Catalina 27s have been completely re-rigged. Each is equipped with 120% furling Genoas and equipped with Yamaha 9.9 hp high thrust 4-stroke motors.
Our boats are fully equipped with dishes, pots and pans, utensils, etc. ready to cruise.
Each is fully equipped with safety gear which surpasses the Canadian Coast Guard safety standards.

Our first Catalina, purchased 1993
The Honeybee, the first of several gold-hulled boats in the fleet, was purchased in June 1993 with a loan from 10 members. To finance the loan, members were charged a daily usage fee of $50.00. The loan was repaid in just over two years.
The hulls were repainted in 2009 to the clean white you see today.
Vessel Registration # 13K68477
Commissioned: 1973
LOA: 26’10”
LWL: 21’9″
Beam: 8’10”
Height: 38′
Displacment :6550 lbs (1977.2 kg)
Draft: 4’6″
Ballast: 2700 lbs lead fin keel
Sail area: 340 sq ft (Main and 100% jib)
Headroom: 6’1″
Cockpit: 8′
Berths: 4
Water Tank: 15 Imperial Gallons
Holding Tank: 16 Imperial Gallons
Motor: Yamaha 9.9 HP (Purchased 2014)
Our second Catalina purchased 1995
The second 27 foot Catalina purchased by the Coop was named Mookie. This occurred in the fall of 1995 and was made possible through a loan from one member, Ron Bryce. Ron had been a valuable member of the Coop since 1994 and made many contributions to the Coop over the years. The repayment scheme for the Mookie was an annual boat levy on all members of $100.00 until the loan was retired. This became the method to acquire future boats and continued on as a practice to continue to upgrade our fleet.
Vessel Registration # 1K1929
Hull#: 1476
Commissioned: 1974
LOA: 26’10”
LWL: 21’9″
Beam: 8’10”
Height: 38′
Displacement :6550 lbs (1977.2 kg)
Draft: 4’6″
Ballast: 2700 lbs lead fin keel
Sail area: 340 sq ft (Main and 100% jib)
Headroom: 6’1″
Cockpit: 8′
Berths: 4
Water Tank: 15 Imperial Gallons
Holding Tank: 16 Imperial Gallons
Motor: Yamaha 9.9 HP (Purchased 2016 -Warranty 2022)
Our third Catalina, purchased 1998
In the spring of 1998 with the assistance of George Doutre, we acquired yet another Catalina, the Jinjersnap. With a rapidly growing membership (aided by some television exposure from the Boat Show) more vessels were needed to satisfy the needs of members who were enjoying a particularly long and warm sailing season.
Vessel Registration # 13K66697
Hull#: 1472
Commissioned: 1973
LOA: 26’10”
LWL: 21’9″
Beam: 8’10”
Height: 38′
Displacement :6550 lbs (1977.2 kg)
Draft: 4’6″
Ballast: 2700 lbs lead fin keel
Sail area: 340 sq ft (Main and 100% jib)
Headroom: 6’1″
Cockpit: 8′
Berths: 4
Water Tank: 15 Imperial Gallons
Holding Tank: 16 Imperial Gallons
Motor: Yamaha 9.9 # (Purchased 2015 -Warranty 2021)
Our second Catalina 30, purchased 2022
This boat is a tall rig, with a taller mast to help with lighter winds.
Vessel Registration # BCxxxxxx
Hull#: xxxxx
Commissioned: 1984
LOA: 29’11”
LWL: 25’0″
Beam: 10’11”
Height: 49′ above water
Displacement :10,200 bs
Draft: 4’6″
Ballast: 4200 lbs lead fin keel
Sail area: 575 sq ft (Main and 100% jib)
Headroom: 6’1″
Cockpit: 8′
Berths: 2 doubles, 2 singles
Water Tank: 42 Gallons
Holding Tank: 17 Gallons
Fuel Tank: 17 Gallons
Motor: Beta 14 HP
Our sixth Catalina, donated to the co-op for $1.00 2014
None of this stuff below is accurate, probably because it was insanely difficult to update the old website. We need to update this with actual information, not stuff copied over from Weekend Pirate
Vessel Registration # 13K115063
Hull#: 2858
Commissioned: 1976
LOA: 26’10”
LWL: 21’9″
Beam: 8’10”
Height: 38′
Displacement :6550 lbs (1977.2 kg)
Draft: 4’6″
Ballast: 2700 lbs lead fin keel
Sail area: 340 sq ft (Main and 100% jib)
Headroom: 6’1″
Cockpit: 8′
Berths: 4
Water Tank: 15 Imperial Gallons
Holding Tank: 16 Imperial Gallons
Motor: Yamaha 9.9 # (Purchased 2012)
Our first Catalina 30 purchased in 2020

Vessel Registration: BC2497088
Commissioned: 1985
LOA: 29’11”
LWL: 25’0”
Beam: 10’10”
Height: 41′
Displacement: 10200 lbs
Draft: 5’3”
Ballast: 4200 lbs
Sail area: 446 sq ft
Headroom: 6′
Berths: 5
Water Tank: 26 Imperial Gallons
Holding Tank: 17 Imperial Gallons
Motor: Universal M25